5 Things that Change About s*x after Marriage

Believe it or not, s*x life post-marriage certainly changes. But, marriage is no death sentence for your fun-filled, carefree days. Not everything post-marriage will suck out happiness and excitement from your s*x lives. There will be a few sunny days and few rainy ones; you need to embrace both and not overdo the expectations bit. Brace yourself by being informed about what is bound to change in your “let us make love now-here-there-everywhere” routine. Trust us; there is a good side to it too.
1. Trade chores for s*x
This is one of the good things that happen to married couples. You can barter s*x for some household chore that needs to be done. Lure your partner into doing the dishes or picking children from school and reward them with a hot oil massage, steamy hot shower concluded with a love making session. Think of other stuff you can give them in reward to reinforce such a likeable and generous act of sharing household work.
2. Fun vacation s*x
Taking time off from your hectic life every once in a while can be therapeutic for your relationship. Leave behind the bills and babies, and housework and relatives and just be with each other. Behave like a teen, have a round of cocktails, guzzle down some beer, hog like you forgot how to eat and enjoy vacation s*x.
3. Making baby routine
Right after marriage, s*x becomes a priority and you will have your share of wild and crazy days and nights to say the least. However, once the feeling of ‘we are just married’ sinks with all time and energies invested in making love, there will come a time when you will be pressuring yourself for an obligatory baby-making session. You have to make sure you don’t let this run heavy on your s*x life. Women who are too eager to conceive can schedule s*x during fertile periods. Just go easy on each other rather than focusing on the baby.
4. Time for a quick one
Once you have kids, their kindergarten and nappy changing activities will wear you down. You will have to train your selves into making time for those ‘quickies’. But, you also need to make room for some long, passionate hours in each other’s arms. Tuck children to the bed early, kiss them good night and fancy the night away with ‘do-it-to-me’ moans.
5. There will be dry spells
Do not compare your pre-marriage days of s*x with the present times, it will simply be calling for trouble. Earlier, you may have enjoyed love making secretly at a friends’ or at the backseat of your car, but now you can do it all the time. This may weigh the anxiety down, which is why it is alright if there is a bout of dry spell. You should not expect every s*xual encounter to be as crazy as it used to be. Either you or your partner will cringe about the desire to have ‘more of it’. So, work out a plan to get your love in to ‘the’ mood and have a rollicking time, if not every day, then every other day, perhaps?
Just don’t think that there is everything wrong if you are not having enough bedroom time. When you are together, make the most of it because even a hug can communicate what the heart sometimes cannot.


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